We Do What We Must…

Operation Iraqi Freedom  ll/Operation Phantom Fury

Unless you live under a rock, you know what ISIS is. The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria has gotten a lot of news coverage in the last few months. This extremist group uses the media as scare tactics to try and strong hand the foreign powers into not intervening in their quest for a “caliphate” — an Islamic state under the rule of a community of religious scholars guided by a supreme leader, the caliph or khalifah, which is generally taken to mean the successor to the Prophet Muhammad. To achieve this goal they have built up a death toll of over 1,000 men, women, and children, those that have not fled and are still alive, live in constant fear of what the next day may bring. After the public beheadings of western civilians, the American people started to speak their minds.  Read More

America: Puffing up the Chest or Building the Muscle

The world is a scary place. And for a very long time, America has beamed through the haze of fear, war, and terror as a beacon of self-confidence, strength, sovereignty, and solace. However, if we take a step back and observe today’s world, the shifting tides of power and the threats that face America as well as Western civilization, we realize that we, in the land of the free and the home of the brave, actually have something to worry about both internally and externally. It seems that more and more Americans are beginning to realize this sense fear and insecurity. The source of this fear and insecurity stems from Machiavellian ideas. Read More

Biggest Threat to America?

It has been called “the single biggest threat in [America’s] 200-year history.” With a death toll of over 5,500 Iraqi citizens since the start of the new year and an uncountable Syrian death toll, this is something that is already a global threat. As of September 23rd there have been three very public killings and one more confirmed kidnapping by the extremist group known as ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq and Syria). American journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff along with British aid worker David Haines were murdered while videotaped as a way to intimidate the world. Now it is known that they also have a British aid worker by the name of Alan Henning also being help captive. The last two American deaths have brought the approximate death toll for journalists covering the Syrian civil war to around 70 and no one is completely sure how many captives the group still holds.  Read More